måndag 20 februari 2017

Sweden, Ryd, one of the 55 so called "no go zones", where I live

I live here. I like it. It’s neither safe nor unsafe, rather, well, ordinary. You can find reports about this place in the papers, about sexual assault, robbery, cars burning and even murder. You can also find a lot of positive articles. People live here, lots of them immigrants, lots of students, some both and some neither. Where people live things tend to happen. You can see some of it in the film, like some barred windows where the glass was probably smashed. And graffiti. And garbage. You can also I hope se that the place can be really pretty, especially in the springtime.  I moved here as a student and stayed on. Here we have nature and proximity to my workplace, the centre town and IKEA. But most of all I like it because it is home.  I can not say anything about living in any of the other so called no go zones, but if you have any questions about my experiences of living in Ryd, feel free to ask. I will try to answer.

(The camera automatically turned off during me filming. I turned it back on and put the films together as one, hence the gap at 5:17)

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